Bangladesh textile and garment export growth

The face of European liabilities recession, Bangladesh's largest export market recession, the severe impact of the export volume of Bangladesh, however the U.S. boom slight recovery, particularly an increase in demand for flat fabric garments stimulus Bangladesh plain weave garments export growth .

the 2012-2013 fiscal year, according to the latest information of the Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau (Export Promotion Bureau, EPB) before July's exports amounted to U.S. $ 2.4 billion 3,000 million, compared to last year growth of 4.26% , and plain woven garments exports higher than knitted garments, Bangladesh became the largest flat-woven garments supplier, only flat woven garments the July 2012-2013 export amount has reached $ 900 million 9,384 million, relative growth of 11.92 per cent compared to the same period last year;

and other hand knitted garments export value of $ 1 billion, a 0.68% compared to the same period last year exports recession.

Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce (Ministry of Commerce), estimated that the 2012-2013 fiscal year, garment export target value of $ 28 billion.

Bangladesh garment industry knitted garment exports decline in results for the European market downturn, the industry should develop new export markets, only in response to the channel, to compete in the international market relative to countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia .