Zara initiates a female person to inherit mother's inheritance to become Spanish new female richest person

the agency of Peng Bo cite that the personage of news reports, the Zara Sa pulls parent company and the clothing with biggest world dealer InditexSA(ITX.MC) and associately initiates person AmancioOrtega and female SandraOrtegaMera of RosaliaMeraGoyenechea majority of inheritances of mother RosaliaMeraGoyenechea become a Spanish new female richest person because of inheritting, wealth is USD 7,300,000,000.

news the personage call that SandraOrtegaMera inheritted company RospCorunnaParticipacionesEmpresarialesSL that mother RosaliaMeraGoyenechea controls about 90% shares, while RospCorunnaParticipacionesEmpresarialesSL hold InditexSA(ITX.MC)5.1% ownership of a shares, but those part of ownership of a shares are worth of USD 5,200,000,000.In addition to hold InditexSA(ITX.MC) ownership of a share, RospCorunnaParticipacionesEmpresarialesSL still owns Spain-made medicine company ZeltiaSA(ZEL.MC) is 5% ownership of a shares, those part of ownership of a share City are worth USD 39,000,000.Moreover call that RospCorunna still owns an according to the agency of Peng Bo USD 100,000,000 of private collect a fund.

August 15 this year, InditexSA(ITX.MC) associately initiates person RosaliaMeraGoyenechea dies because of apoplexy and enjoy a year 69 years old.RosaliaMeraGoyenechea is an another InditexSA(ITX.MC) geneses person and world the former wife of fourth multimillionaire AmancioOrtega, before passing away at blessing cloth Si 2013 the billionaires are on of placard row Spanish female richest person is also a world to be rich with most of self-made man female.RosaliaMera stops schooling and starts being engaged in the tailor's work at the age of 11, the matrimony helps behind in 1966 the then husband AmancioOrtega and sets up Zara door store in a house in 1975 and establishes clothing Kingdom InditexSA(ITX.MC) together.

RosaliaMeraGoyenechea is in a life time of hold RospCorunna 86% ownership of a shares, but daughter SandraOrtegaMera hold the remaining 14%, after dying 8% in those part of ownership of a shares is inheritted by its son MarcosOrtegaMera.