Gap underneath ordination Jyothi of brand Intermix Rao is a new appointee chief executive officer

Gap group underneath Intermix declare to appoint Jyothi's Rao as the new appointee chief executive officer and the general manager, Jyothi Rao will formally take a post on September 2 and innovate toward the Gap group development department chief executive officer ArtPeck make collective report a work.Gap means Jyothi Rao will with Intermix geneses person and CEO Peck and Khajak Keledjian together close cooperate.

before joining Intermix, Jyothi Rao works Gilt Groupe deputy governor and general manager, she contributes for Gilt Groupe development doing very greatly.

Intermix will set up the new store of covering 2640 square feet in the Miami on September 8, in November will at Bal Harbour Be heavy to open the store of covering 2400 square feet.